What you need?
- Any Linux image(.iso) that you want to make it bootable using USB.
- Flashdrive,thumbdrive minimum with 1Gb size.
- And make sure your PC have the USB port :)
How to use?
1 - Download the installer from here
2 - After that, just run the file.
a) I agree. Then choose your preferred.
b) find the location to the image.
c) In my case, the installer cant detect my image's location automatically,so I just put the full path manually in the location box. As example I put my Fedora at Desktop. So the full path will be
3 - Then choose your USB Drive. Tick format so it will format your USB to FAT32.
4 - And then you just need to wait until it complete.
Have a try! :)
credit to : http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/
other recommended software
- unetbootin
- linuxliveusb
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