Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Transmission for your Centos

What is transmission?
If u know about torrentflux,so this transmission is the alterantive to torrentflux.

Website : http://www.transmissionbt.com

Its easy to setup this transmission to your server.
thanks to y0nd13 coz introduced this thing to me and lollerskates from transmission forum for his easy tutorial on how to setup the transmission in Centos server.
This tutorial originally by lollerskates

How to install Transmission with yum on CentOS 5

Install dependencies and some tools we will use:

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yum -y install openssl-devel curl-devel libevent-devel intltool.i386 gettext wget nano

Get and unpack transmission (warning, current version 2.12 is in these filenames)

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wget http://download.transmissionbt.com/files/transmission-2.12.tar.bz2
tar xjvf transmission-2.12.tar.bz2
cd transmission-2.12

Try to build transmission and make after this

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If u get some errors, do this

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yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"

Now make...

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make && make install

already done? not yet..need to create the settings.json

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Kill it.. appending -HUP to force dump the settings

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killall -HUP transmission-daemon

Now, u need to adjust your settings,based on what you prefer. then save.
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cd ~
nano .config/transmission-daemon/settings.json

Rerun the transmission-daemon.then FINISH! U can access to your web interface at port 9091

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